1 March 2018

Its another round up of the sights and sounds in the sewing world, but this time for the month of March.

Now there are also some year-long challenges going on but I wrote about them in the posts for January and February, so, do check those out first.

Back to March then, here's what I could find


There's a royal wedding brewing and the folks at McCall's patterns have come up with this genius idea for the sewing community to feel like we were invited.

Below is a list of the blogging teams and the dress they will be making in the sew-a-longs.

Follows the McCalls facebook group to get details as they are made known


This challenge is similar to the #2018usenine that I talked about in January's post except that fabric that you use from your stash has to have been a resident for up to 6 months.
This challenge is being hosted by Katie and Pilar.
As always check their sites for detailed guidelines, sponsors, and prizes to be won.


This challenge is being hosted by Melanie and Atia. Its a sew-a-long challenge for a beautiful spring and summer wardrobe. And as the title suggests cotton lawn fabric is the ideal fabric because its light and airy, perfect for the season but still and light summery/spring fabric will do.

There are lots of sponsors, challenge runs from the 15th of March till 15th of May 2018.

Check out their sites for more details on how to join and guidelines.


This is daily photo challenge for makers, so that means sewists are included. This tag was started in 2016 by Joanne Hawker to help tell the story of the small business owner.

Don't forget to tag your photos on Instagram to participate.


Another photo challenge on Instagram but specifically for sewists, knitters, handbag makers etc. it was started by the ladies of sew altered style, and, its also running for only the month of March. There are no prizes or sponsors as at this time but it's a good fun way to introduce yourself to the community and make friends with other makers.
This is their facebook group.

So how do you feel about this months list? Are you excited and are you joining any? If you are pls tell me all about it in the comments.
 Here's the list for April

Also, while I did my best to scour the net for information, I'm sure I missed quite a few, or, you might have decided to start a challenge or tag of your own. Just keep everybody informed in the comment section

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