I remember this dress and my feelings while I was making it and when I finished.
INCREDIBLE is the only thing that comes to mind. I most definitely felt like SUPERWOMAN.
You see, this was the first time I'd ever looked at a magazine, picture, etc and thought
“I’m going to make that”
I dunno if any of you guys know a certain phenomenal actress by the name of Kerry Washington, she's also a style idol of mine.
Anyways I saw her in this dress and had to, had to, have it. I was feeling myself & my new found sewing skills, LOL.
Of course, I had no real idea of the concept of fabric choices yet, as you can see, her dress looks like its made from a light and flowy fabric, mine is African wax print, with satin for the insides of the inverted pleats.
Then I made single fold bias binding for the black parts of her dress, imagine making all that bias binding, without the bias binding maker tool..... I burnt myself more times than I care to remember.
But everyone loved it, I felt like the STAR of the show, at someone else's wedding mind you, ROFLMAO.
Now that I know more about fabric choices, I will say I've been tempted to remake this dress.
Maybe.............. Someday.

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