It's funny how mistakes work out and look like they were planned from the beginning LOL.
That's what happened to me with this shirt, I was looking to make some plain solid coloured tops, so I unearth this tan/beige fabric from my stash.
Unlike me, I usually buy 3 yards of fabric minimum because I never know what I'm going to make, so with 3 yards, I think I'm covered for most things.
But I had only 1 yard of the tan fabric, I'd bought it a while back so getting more was completely out of the question. I ended up getting the black fabric to save the day.
And as such this top was born. Looking like it was meant to be.
it's my first complete shirt, makes like these are why I upgraded my sewing machine, can someone say AUTOMATIC BUTTONHOLE? LOL LOL
See you guys on my next #memademay offering.
P.S lets not talk about my pose there, let's not...LOL LOL LOL
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